Good morning EGYB Parents

The EGYB board has been contacted by the EG School District in response to some incidents that have occurred in the past 2 weeks that the school would like us to address with our parents and players.

  1. A sink that was removed from the drain in the boy’s bathroom at Jeffery Clark on Saturday 1-22-22 
  2. Posters in the hallways at both schools (Jeffery Clark & Samuel Mickle) were seen removed or damaged on 1-27 & 1-28 
  3. A Large group of middle school age kids (boys and girls) attended the 7th & 8th grade boys basketball games on 1-28-22 without parent supervision, and were seen in and out of the gym and surrounding areas behind the school. 
  4. Urinal in boys’ bathroom @ Samuel Mickle on 1-28- was used in an extremely improper manner, in which custodial staff was forced to clean and sanitize.


The school has asked EGYB for a response and an action plan in light of these events and to help support their custodial staff who are left to deal with these and other incidents that have occurred.

The gym space and facilities allocations that we are given by the school is vital to our league being able to operate and offer a quality program for your sons and daughters. We cannot operate as a league without their cooperation in helping us with use of this space from November to March.

In response to the above incidents, we have decided to put the following in action plans in place starting today.


  1. Children, siblings, players, and students are prohibited to view games without a parent/guardian present in the gym during the duration of the game.
  2. No student / sibling / player should be in attendance alone in any of the gyms.
  3. Anyone who is attending the game without a parent/ guardian will be asked to leave the gym


  1. All hallways, classrooms, bathrooms, and other non-essential gym areas are now considered off limits. This includes – the basketball courts at halftime and during timeouts. Only those participating in the current game should be on the court.


  1. We are asking teams and coaches to arrive no more than 5 minutes before your scheduled times to prevent overflow in the gyms.  If you see the other teams have exited, you may enter.


  1. Masks – Masks are to be worn in the stands by all spectators while in attendance. – We had notified parents of this at signups and made it a part of our Parent Code of Conduct. This is requirement and agreement made by EGYB and EG School District for the use of the gyms. If we cannot follow the schools’ mask policy, we will have to restrict spectators at games. Regardless of your feelings on the schools’ mask mandate, please have enough respect for your friends and neighbors to not ruin it for them. We all want to see our kids play the game they love.


  1. For Jeffery Clark only – The doors at the front of the school that we would normally go through to get to the Clark gym will be locked.  All participants and spectators will enter the doors through the bus lanes.  There will be signs on the doors indicating which door to enter. No one should ever be in the Clark hallways. Do not enter them through the bathroom.


  1. Aside from entering, leaving, and using the bathrooms, no one should be in the hallway in Samuel Mickle. This is not a place for kids to gather. If you bring children with you to watch the game, make sure they stay with you.  No one should ever exit through the clearly marked emergency exits at the far end of the hallway.


  1. The bathrooms are for players only. We do not want to limit games to only parents, but that is the next step if can not leave the school as we found it.

Please be and mindful and respectful of these requests.


We are asking for everyone’s attention and cooperation in these matters, as we look to continue our basketball season.  We are hoping that more severe restrictions such as limiting attendance to 1 parent per event or eliminating spectators totally can be avoided.  If such incidents keep occurring EGYB will be forced to consider all possibilities to finish our season.


Thank you


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